Sunday, August 23, 2009

Golden Key Barnight Recap!

Thank you to everyone who turned up for GK's barnight on the first Thursday of Semester 2. For those of you who were busy and missed out, here's a recap ...

To start off the semester, the Golden Key Exec organised a night of snacks and mingling at the Ubar. At the beginning of the night, we had a slight hiccup - our initial location, the UBar, had been taken up by students ready for a night of Ministry of Sound dancing and partying. Despite the slight problem, members were still able to find us at the bar game lounge, many adorned in blue and gold, ready for a great night of chatter.

New, old and honarary GK members turned up to catch up with old acquaintances and to make new ones. The spring rolls, pies and pizzas that disappeared in a hurry suggests that the night turned out to be a great success.

The general consensus amongst the conversations was that most did not want to 'go back to university just yet' - everyone was still in holiday mode. But luckily for GK members, all could still enjoy a break and a night out.

We hope to see everyone again at our next social networking event and to those who were busy, hope you can make it to our next one!

We'll now leave you now with a few photographs to recap the night ...

Working at Diversity Week / Recycling Your Notes

Macquarie Golden Key's Diversity week stall stood proudly outside E7B from 3rd - 6th August, flecked in its trademark colours of blue and gold. The opportunity to promote GK awareness on campus was seized.

Eye-catching posters of our upcoming events decorated the stall whilst Golden Key's name in Macquarie's student publication 'Grapeshot' was displayed at the stall's front. By midday Wednesday, all 150 newsletters and every Asia-Pacific GK pamphlet had been distributed to interested students passing by (for a electronic copy of the newsletter, visit our Macquarie GK website).

The dedication of the new Macquarie GK executive kept the stall buzzing up until the last day of Diversity Week. All students and members alike came along with questions or just a general curiousity in GK and were greeted by the fresh and enthusiastic executive members.

To keep the interest going, the stall was the location of our 'Count the Candy' competition, the old-fashioned 'guess the number of lollies in the jar ... to win the jar!' game. After many estimates from passers-by, derived from apparent physics calculations and statistical surface area to volume ratios, it was Agni who walked away with the prize, guessing 2 lollies away from the real number of 422.

In addition to the promotional qualities of our Golden Key stall, the Macquarie executive held an initiative to uphold International Golden Key's goal of helping environmental sustainability: 'Recycling Your Notes'. With a straightforward name in check, the stall saw more than 80 kilograms of paper, and numerous bags of textbooks to recycle and resell. The student bringing in the most paper and textbooks was Edric, winning a $50 Macquarie Centre Voucher and film passes to 'Red Cliff'.

A huge thank you goes out to all the prize winners, participants and volunteers during Diversity Week. With this experience to build on to next year's Diversity Week, Macquarie Golden Key's stall is bound to become bigger and better!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to Golden Key Macquarie's very own blog!

Besides our regular website which already keeps you up to date with the latest events and happenings, this blog will provide you with detailed reviews and previews about our past and upcoming events, pictorial recaps and further information about the benefits of being a GK member.

This blog will also give everyone a chance to post comments and to share suggestions for upcoming GK events.

If you're a keen writer feel free to get involved with blogging. All input is very welcome.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our next GK event. Post a comment or email us at if you're looking for more info.

Happy reading!

Best wishes,

Golden Key International Honour Society
Macquarie University Chapter
Executive Team 09 -10