Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ready for the Real World?

Paul Slezak, a prominent figure in the advertising and recruiting industry around the world, gave a wonderful career workshop about how to make yourself stand out in today's competitive market. The seminar room for this workshop was incredibly packed, by Golden Key members and general students and even university staff and all eagerly listened to Paul's wise words about how to promote yourself through the tools available to you.

This was one of the last events Golden Key Macquarie hosted for the year 2009, held on 3rd November during lunchtime. Catering was provided by U@MQ and all the food was polished off before the seminar had even begun! As the crowd settled down, Paul chatted easily among the guests and once his talk was on the way, the room fell silent as they listened to Paul's expert advice.

All who attended took notes on Paul's presentation and some even stayed behind to ask questions to the guest speaker. We hope that the workshop helped every person who listened in and maybe make the task of finding a job in today's world just a bit easier!

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