Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recap 'Facebook & You: How social networking sites are impacting on your life'

Last week Golden Key organised a public discussion on social networking sites, such as facebook, and their ability to impact on our lives. We all gathered in the Atrium to hear three university lectures talk about their research, experiences and thoughts on the topic.

We heard from Sherman Young, the Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching with the Faculty of Arts, about how facebook in blurring the lines between public and private communication and between mass communication and direct communication.

John Selby, a lecturer in business law, spoke about how social networking sites are making it easier to communicate and find out information about others. He examined how the legal framework, cultural norms and architecture (software design) are able to address the new problems that this is creating without reducing the benefits.

Our last speaker was Jennifer Peck, a lecturer in linguistics. She spoke about how social networking sites are offering an opportunity for personal growth and development. Jennifer also examined the the claims that social networking sites and texting are lowering English standards.

It was an enlightening afternoon that shed light on some of the issues around something we all use but rarely take the time to thing about.

Aaron Silvestro
Events Coordinator 2009-2010

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