Monday, September 28, 2009


One of Cancer Council’s largest fundraisers, Relay for Life at North Ryde took place over two days, 26th - 27th September. Golden Key Macquarie created a team to take turns walking around the oval continuously, throughout the two days. As Saturday afternoon came closer, Golden Key’s campsite gradually came into full view whilst the tents were being built and signs and banners were proudly displayed. After the opening ceremony for Relay, cancer survivors and their carers started the first lap around the oval and after their finish, everyone joined in. The Relay had begun.

The Golden Key Macquarie team battled the strong winds when stepping around the oval, especially during the early hours of the morning where it came near impossible to continue without freezing. However as the sun rose for Sunday morning, more faces emerged on the field to once again start the laps until one of the last laps, Fight Back took place. Everyone grabbed a flag for Relay and marched around the oval once, remembering why they were there and walking for a good cause.

As the nineteen hours of walking came to a close, a shouted countdown from the participants rang across the field and finally, the laps ceased to an end. The closing ceremony brought everything into perspective as inspiring speeches from survivors and prominent figures from the community were spoken on stage. The total number of fundraised dollars was calculated, which amounted to more than approximately $35, 000 altogether! A more than respectable amount! From sponsors, friends and family, Golden Key raised more than $565 for Relay for Life.

Tents were dismantled, friends waved goodbye and one last look around their home for a day and a night allowed everyone to move back to their real homes for a day of well deserved sleep.

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