Thursday, September 10, 2009

Understanding Biology: A Macquarie Museum Tour

Monday August 31st was the date of the Macquarie University Biological Museum tour, a combined effort of the Macquarie Museum Appreciation Society and Macquarie Golden Key, enabling students to discover one of the university's best kept secrets and most fascinating exhibits.

An enthusiastic contingent of students gathered in the Biological Dept. foyer in front of Frank the stuffed bear (who has to be seen to be believed) and the tour commenced at 1pm.

Led expertly through the tour by the approachable host, Dr Andrew Simpsons, unit convener of Museum Studies, the attendees were guided through the new biology department rooms, given an insight into the history of the department and the study of biology at Macquarie University, all before reaching the museum proper.

The museum itself was full of amazing exhibits, buried away until now, including taxidermy, skeletons and as always, "things-in-jars". The story behind each of the exhibits was explained in a casual yet informative manner by the tour host, with plenty of science and biology jokes flying in all directions, including a spirited discussion about the future and how a mobile human skeleton could actively attract visitors to museums.

All who participated in the Biological Museum Tour came away having fully enjoyed the experience and certainly returning soon, bringing others who can also enjoy this hidden treasure within the E8B building at Macquarie University.

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