Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ready for the Real World?

Paul Slezak, a prominent figure in the advertising and recruiting industry around the world, gave a wonderful career workshop about how to make yourself stand out in today's competitive market. The seminar room for this workshop was incredibly packed, by Golden Key members and general students and even university staff and all eagerly listened to Paul's wise words about how to promote yourself through the tools available to you.

This was one of the last events Golden Key Macquarie hosted for the year 2009, held on 3rd November during lunchtime. Catering was provided by U@MQ and all the food was polished off before the seminar had even begun! As the crowd settled down, Paul chatted easily among the guests and once his talk was on the way, the room fell silent as they listened to Paul's expert advice.

All who attended took notes on Paul's presentation and some even stayed behind to ask questions to the guest speaker. We hope that the workshop helped every person who listened in and maybe make the task of finding a job in today's world just a bit easier!


After months of orchestrating logistics and fiddling with the details, Golden Key Macquarie were about to hold their first Speednetworking night that would presumably end up in creating teams for the answering of academia-themed trivia. So during the lead up hours on Thursday, October 22, the executive of Golden Key Macquarie were seen rushing madly around to change the desks into a networking layout, creating a jovial ambience, laying out the free pizza and snacks and basically having a great time. But the night had yet to begin.

And when the night did start, the mingling occurred, the music played and once trivia teams were created, tables were filled and pens were at the ready. The questions were fired by the two hosts of the night and novelty rounds were interjected as a fun break between the harder questions. The novelty rounds were a big hit (as the questions were much easier!) and many points were allocated to each team, with the team aptly named 'Yeah!' winning in a very close tallied race.

Each member of the winning team was given free movie passes and the other participants were awarded goodie bags just for attending. Throughout the night, a raffle for a luggage set was held and at the end of the night, one lucky winner walked away with the prize.

And as new friends waved goodbye and exchanged contact details, the executive still working tirelessly began to clean up and breathe a sigh of relief for another successful Golden Key event.

Galston Gardens

Yes, an unimaginable morning for many a university student but at 7am 16th October, Golden Key volunteers were seen bleary eyed and entering the Galston club, ready to serve with a ready smile.

Galston Gardens is a charity event, raising money for various charities in the local community. Every year Golden Key participates to serve tea and scones lathered with cream and jam to patrons whilst getting the Golden Key name out there.

This year the rush was on during 9am-10am, whilst early tea and coffee drinkers poured into the club, Golden Key volunteers quickly worked to serve promptly, setting up dishes, taking drink orders, cleaning up and, after the pace slowed, snuck a scone or two for energy's sake. The adrenalin of this transient waiting-upon was admittedly very fun and all the while knowing money was being raised for charities.

Golden Key will receive a portion of the donations and this will be donated to Schoolwise, a literacy charity that Golden Key have been supporting for years.

Monday, September 28, 2009


One of Cancer Council’s largest fundraisers, Relay for Life at North Ryde took place over two days, 26th - 27th September. Golden Key Macquarie created a team to take turns walking around the oval continuously, throughout the two days. As Saturday afternoon came closer, Golden Key’s campsite gradually came into full view whilst the tents were being built and signs and banners were proudly displayed. After the opening ceremony for Relay, cancer survivors and their carers started the first lap around the oval and after their finish, everyone joined in. The Relay had begun.

The Golden Key Macquarie team battled the strong winds when stepping around the oval, especially during the early hours of the morning where it came near impossible to continue without freezing. However as the sun rose for Sunday morning, more faces emerged on the field to once again start the laps until one of the last laps, Fight Back took place. Everyone grabbed a flag for Relay and marched around the oval once, remembering why they were there and walking for a good cause.

As the nineteen hours of walking came to a close, a shouted countdown from the participants rang across the field and finally, the laps ceased to an end. The closing ceremony brought everything into perspective as inspiring speeches from survivors and prominent figures from the community were spoken on stage. The total number of fundraised dollars was calculated, which amounted to more than approximately $35, 000 altogether! A more than respectable amount! From sponsors, friends and family, Golden Key raised more than $565 for Relay for Life.

Tents were dismantled, friends waved goodbye and one last look around their home for a day and a night allowed everyone to move back to their real homes for a day of well deserved sleep.

Our Honorary Members' Breakfast

To celebrate their newest and long-standing honorary members, Macquarie Golden Key hosted a lavish breakfast, complete with hot beverages, an array of baked goods and a beautiful floral centerpiece.

The members of Macquarie’s executive arrived in the morning’s early hours to prepare the breakfast and readied the room. Even before the preparations were complete, an eager honorary member, newly inducted this year walked in, keen to network. Quickly, other honorary members walked in and everyone sampled the laid out breakfast, in between chatting to all around the table. Even academics in the same building were drawn in by the cosy atmosphere and were invited to join the fun.

The event was an incredible opportunity to meet distinguished figures within Macquarie University and outside in the community. Ideas to more closely involve the honorary members fermented whilst the executive showed the face of the Golden Key chapter at Macquarie. The conversations were so charming that the breakfast ran a half hour over time before the crowd started to dissipate and the executive started to dissemble the breakfast table.

Macquarie’s Honorary Members’ Breakfast was a complete success, due to the efforts of all the executive members and the participation of Macquarie Golden Key’s honorary members.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Understanding Biology: A Macquarie Museum Tour

Monday August 31st was the date of the Macquarie University Biological Museum tour, a combined effort of the Macquarie Museum Appreciation Society and Macquarie Golden Key, enabling students to discover one of the university's best kept secrets and most fascinating exhibits.

An enthusiastic contingent of students gathered in the Biological Dept. foyer in front of Frank the stuffed bear (who has to be seen to be believed) and the tour commenced at 1pm.

Led expertly through the tour by the approachable host, Dr Andrew Simpsons, unit convener of Museum Studies, the attendees were guided through the new biology department rooms, given an insight into the history of the department and the study of biology at Macquarie University, all before reaching the museum proper.

The museum itself was full of amazing exhibits, buried away until now, including taxidermy, skeletons and as always, "things-in-jars". The story behind each of the exhibits was explained in a casual yet informative manner by the tour host, with plenty of science and biology jokes flying in all directions, including a spirited discussion about the future and how a mobile human skeleton could actively attract visitors to museums.

All who participated in the Biological Museum Tour came away having fully enjoyed the experience and certainly returning soon, bringing others who can also enjoy this hidden treasure within the E8B building at Macquarie University.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Golden Key Barnight Recap!

Thank you to everyone who turned up for GK's barnight on the first Thursday of Semester 2. For those of you who were busy and missed out, here's a recap ...

To start off the semester, the Golden Key Exec organised a night of snacks and mingling at the Ubar. At the beginning of the night, we had a slight hiccup - our initial location, the UBar, had been taken up by students ready for a night of Ministry of Sound dancing and partying. Despite the slight problem, members were still able to find us at the bar game lounge, many adorned in blue and gold, ready for a great night of chatter.

New, old and honarary GK members turned up to catch up with old acquaintances and to make new ones. The spring rolls, pies and pizzas that disappeared in a hurry suggests that the night turned out to be a great success.

The general consensus amongst the conversations was that most did not want to 'go back to university just yet' - everyone was still in holiday mode. But luckily for GK members, all could still enjoy a break and a night out.

We hope to see everyone again at our next social networking event and to those who were busy, hope you can make it to our next one!

We'll now leave you now with a few photographs to recap the night ...

Working at Diversity Week / Recycling Your Notes

Macquarie Golden Key's Diversity week stall stood proudly outside E7B from 3rd - 6th August, flecked in its trademark colours of blue and gold. The opportunity to promote GK awareness on campus was seized.

Eye-catching posters of our upcoming events decorated the stall whilst Golden Key's name in Macquarie's student publication 'Grapeshot' was displayed at the stall's front. By midday Wednesday, all 150 newsletters and every Asia-Pacific GK pamphlet had been distributed to interested students passing by (for a electronic copy of the newsletter, visit our Macquarie GK website).

The dedication of the new Macquarie GK executive kept the stall buzzing up until the last day of Diversity Week. All students and members alike came along with questions or just a general curiousity in GK and were greeted by the fresh and enthusiastic executive members.

To keep the interest going, the stall was the location of our 'Count the Candy' competition, the old-fashioned 'guess the number of lollies in the jar ... to win the jar!' game. After many estimates from passers-by, derived from apparent physics calculations and statistical surface area to volume ratios, it was Agni who walked away with the prize, guessing 2 lollies away from the real number of 422.

In addition to the promotional qualities of our Golden Key stall, the Macquarie executive held an initiative to uphold International Golden Key's goal of helping environmental sustainability: 'Recycling Your Notes'. With a straightforward name in check, the stall saw more than 80 kilograms of paper, and numerous bags of textbooks to recycle and resell. The student bringing in the most paper and textbooks was Edric, winning a $50 Macquarie Centre Voucher and film passes to 'Red Cliff'.

A huge thank you goes out to all the prize winners, participants and volunteers during Diversity Week. With this experience to build on to next year's Diversity Week, Macquarie Golden Key's stall is bound to become bigger and better!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to Golden Key Macquarie's very own blog!

Besides our regular website which already keeps you up to date with the latest events and happenings, this blog will provide you with detailed reviews and previews about our past and upcoming events, pictorial recaps and further information about the benefits of being a GK member.

This blog will also give everyone a chance to post comments and to share suggestions for upcoming GK events.

If you're a keen writer feel free to get involved with blogging. All input is very welcome.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our next GK event. Post a comment or email us at if you're looking for more info.

Happy reading!

Best wishes,

Golden Key International Honour Society
Macquarie University Chapter
Executive Team 09 -10